It Came From The Shelves... Reading Resource: Productivity Game

“The difference between where you are today and where you’ll be five years from now will be found in the quality of the books you will read.”
—Jim Rohn (via Productivity Game)

With a how-to book on everything these days, how do you quickly sort through the pile to find the one that speaks to you? 

Productivity Game, created by Nathan Lozeron, distills the premise of new and bestselling books on personal and professional development via animated videos.

Broken into three general areas — Business & InnovationInfluence & Leadership, and Personal Development & Peak Performance — each video delivers "actionable insights" that you can implement immediately, while the succinct overview allows you to quickly discern what titles suit both your current schedule and desired routine.

As a distracted writer, the Productivity Game YouTube channel has become an essential reading resource to enhance my productivity and manage my time more effectively — by allowing me to gauge which books cater to or offer transferable takeaways for creative endeavours such as writing, especially balancing this output with work and home life.

If you’re ready to up your productivity game but are unsure where to start, the Productivity Game website catalogues all of the book titles covered with a link to each video.

I also highly recommend subscribing to the Productivity Game newsletter to receive notifications when a new video is released; this includes one-page PDF book summaries, along with a free ebook: 5 Steps to Finding Your Workflow.  

Happy watching and reading! Let us know any titles covered by Productivity Game that you'd recommend by leaving a comment below or on socials...

Thank you for reading. Your Accursed Librarian, Rebecca.


How To Get Unstuck - Tips To Combat Writer's Block (Part Two)


How To Get Unstuck - Tips To Combat Writer's Block (Part One)