Blog Becky Blog Becky

Welcome to Hex Libris — your accursed library!

Greetings, f(r)iends!!

Welcome to our revamped blog, Hex Libris!

It's been a hot minute since we last spoke. The time away has allowed us to focus and resurrect the blog — Hex Libris is your accursed library, a (horror-themed) resource to encourage mindful reading and help writers to build healthy, productive writing habits.

Like many of you in our HoL coven, we're not strangers to hustle culture; our tiny team works several jobs on top of our writing, editing, and artistic output.

Juggling calendars and commitments leaves us with very little time for ourselves. Especially time spent on self-care or creative projects (and their deadlines). Which, in the end, only adds fuel to the burnout fire.

Trying to keep the plates spinning for too long left me with a stress-induced speech disorder that affects every part of my life. On top of being a full-time carer with a day job, I've had to recalibrate my whole system, listen to my body, and make time to take as needed.

The deadlines, stress, and work will always be there.

Time, however, is fleeting. Memories and loved ones matter. Your wellbeing matters. You matter.

Healthy habits are a must to set protected boundaries for every part of your life, allowing you to be productive while enjoying the ride. And that's what this blog is designed to do. 

Our aim here is twofold: 

  • suggest ways to enhance and romanticise regular reading sprints (for both pleasure and research) — to encourage mindful reading as a part of your self-care routine.

  • offer tips and tricks to help you focus, enjoy, and build productive writing habits — to manifest your own writing ritual.

Each week, we'll touch on tools to help inspire, motivate, organise, and more — prompts to get you thinking practically about steps to take in your own journey.

To start, we've compiled several playlists on our YouTube channel sharing our fave ambience videos — all the spooky atmosphere your horror-filled heart could wish for.

Whether it's Halloween all year in your house, you fancy a night-time stroll through rain-dampened Victorian streets, or vintage spooky music is your vibe, there's a little bit of everything to help you romanticise, focus, and manifest.

We'll be adding to the ambience playlists on a regular basis — as well as videos sharing tips and tricks to help with productivity, organisation, mindfulness, and more! — so do let us know what content you want to see included!

Disclaimer: House of Leaves does not own the rights to the content in the playlists. All rights belong to the owners.

Please also shout out with any suggestions for the blog. Your accursed library is always open.

Thank you for reading. As ever, take care and stay spooky.

And if you could do me one last favour — do something for yourself today. 

Your Accursed Librarian, Rebecca

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